Mumps can cause deafness and infertility!
The death rate from mumps is low, usually only about 1 in 10,000 cases. However, mumps is still a serious disease. Before the development of the mumps vaccine, the mumps was one of the biggest problems in military medicine. In a man, mumps can cause severe, painful swelling of the testes. Sometimes, the mumps leaves the man unable to father children.
The mumps can also cause deafness in one or both ears. The MMR vaccine does not cause autism. But measles, mumps, and rubella can cause deafness.
Here’s a basic description of what mumps is like:
Fortunately, we have an effective vaccine against mumps. The mumps vaccine is a “live” vaccine. As such, it has never contained the mercury-containing preservative thimerosal. The mumps vaccine is generally given in combination with the vaccine for measles and the vaccine for rubella. There is no reason to give these vaccines separately. Giving the vaccines as separate injections simply means more injections for the child and more chance that one of the vaccines will be missed.
Because the mumps vaccine is a “live” vaccine, it cannot be given to some people, including children with a suppressed immune system. Those individuals depend on the herd immunity that results from practically everyone else being vaccinated. Once measles has been wiped out through vaccination, we will no longer need to vaccinate anyone against it.